International Students House
Meet The Team

Meet The Team – Dr Sharon Bolton

Say hello to our Dean of Student Life, Dr Sharon Bolton

How long have you been at ISH?
I completed 6 years at ISH in August this year – time has flown by!

What does your job involve? Take us through from when you arrive until you leave at the end of the day.
As Dean of Student Life, my job involves everything to do with students and there is no such thing as a typical day. However, I usually begin with a scan of the inbox for any crises or emergencies, then check my diary for upcoming events and deadlines. There will be meetings to attend, both in ISH (with colleagues and residents) and with external partners. I do quite a lot of writing in my role, from copy for newsletters, to papers for ISH Board and Committee meetings, reports for publications and bids for awards.

What do you love most about your job?
Meeting students from all over the world and learning about their journey.

What do you get up to outside of work? I like going to the theatre, cinema and art exhibitions, particularly anything related to France, Spain or Latin America (my original degree subjects).

The most challenging aspect of your job? The fact that ISH is such a multi-faceted organisation but is primarily a home to hundreds of students from all over the world.

What advice would you give to someone moving to London and ISH for the first time? Take every opportunity that comes your way – you never know where it may lead!

Most memorable/proudest moment here at ISH? Probably winning the 2019 PIEoneer Award for Championing Diversity, as that to me is what makes ISH special.

Who would you like to be stranded on a deserted island with? No one – that’s the point of a desert island, right?

What is your favourite childhood memory? When asked by my parents if we should move to Scotland, I said a definitive NO because I would have no friends and wouldn’t know the language – clearly friendship and cross-cultural understanding were early priorities for me.

Best event you’ve attended at ISH? Always the most recent one – they get better and better, and I always enjoy bringing people together.

Favourite thing to do in London? I love discovering new things, whether that’s a restaurant or a park, or a new west end show.

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