International Students House

ISH Community


Ish organises events for residents and members that empower people, forge communities, support learning and encourage international friendship and understanding. Among our events we there are themed suppers, cooking classes, workshops, theatre groups and sports classes.

Travel Club

The Travel club is a great opportunity for students to meet new friends while traveling around UK and oversas in a very cheap way with tickets subsided up to 60%.

Volountering Club

Ish promotes volountering initiative gathering people that want to help and give back to the community while bonding and making new friends. We organize monthly activites that involve homeless and refugees aid, guerrilla gardening, enviromental care etc.
If you want to be part of it just leave your contact details below and join us for next appointment!

ISH Photography Club

If you are passionate about photography and want to experiment, learn and experience with other students like you, the ISH Photography club is made for you! You don’t need to have a professional gear to join us. We will meet once per month to go around London taking shots of whatever inspire us, then comparing our shots and trying to learn from each other.

ISH Debate Society

The ISH debate society is a platform for students to engage in interesting discussions and sharpen your public speaking skills. We discuss a variety of topics, spacing from politics to love and relationships in the modern era, in a chilled environment with drinks and snacks for everyone.

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