International Students House
Meet The Team

Meet The Team – Musa

Meet the faces behind the House! We had a chat with our Marketing Executive, Musa Bwanali to find out what a day in her life is like:

How long have you been at ISH? Almost 4 years. One as a student/resident and three years as an employee.

What does your job involve? Take us through from when you arrive until you leave at the end of the day. No two days are the same when you working in the Marketing department so I’ll share some general tasks. My day usually starts with a bit of research, reading news on international students, current affairs, and updates in the event industry. This helps with making content for the website and social media platforms that I curate. Sometimes I may need to take photos of students, food in the TTS, or our venue spaces. Writing, editing and creating interesting content in visual or audio form takes up the majority of my day.

What do you love most about your job? The versatility! Every day is different, challenging, and interesting. I get to use different skills – writing, research, photography, and general people skills.

 What do you get up to outside of work? Different types of photography and travelling.

The most challenging aspect of your job? Wearing different hats for the different parts of the organization. You have to be able to write for different audiences and create quality content as well.

What advice would you give to someone moving to London and ISH for the first time? Take up as many opportunities as you can. London has so much to offer the open mind and ISH is the best place to be to try it out. Get out of your comfort zone and take chances.

Most memorable/proudest moment here at ISH? Meeting my best friend at ISH. We met in the Common Room over breakfast four years ago and our friendship is still growing strong.

Who would you like to be stranded on a deserted island with? Munya Chawawa (look him up!)

What is your favorite childhood memory? Smuggling snacks into the house with my younger brother. We had a little system to make sure our mother never caught us.

Best event you’ve attended at ISH? Garden party for a visit by  HRH Princess Anne in 2019. It was such a lovely day!

Favorite thing to do in London? Eating out! There are so many food options and I’ve made it a point to try new dishes as much as I can.

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