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10 Revision Apps Every Student Should Have

Revising for exams can be stressful and time-consuming. Organising old notes, conducting research, and memorising huge amounts of information, all while trying to stay focused and avoid distractions, sure isn’t easy.

That’s why we’ve hunted down some of the best revision apps that are designed to make exam preparation easier for students. From the ones that allow you to create quizzes to test yourself with, to those that will sort and store notes and even encourage focus, there’s something to help you with your revision among our list.


This app is a must for those who take down endless notes but find it difficult to store and organise them. Your notes can be in the form of text, images, audio, and other document types, meaning you can capture them quickly and easily, and create the type of notes that you find easiest to learn from. The search function makes it easy to locate your work, too. Best for capturing and converting text.


One of the most popular apps for revision. It allows you to create flashcards (as well as browse those made by others), test your knowledge with quizzes and listen to audio of your study material in several different languages – and that’s just for starters. It’s great for squeezing in revision while you’re on the go and making studying a little more fun.

A woman work0ing go her laptop form a Birds Eye view
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


This revision app helps you improve your time management and set out a strategy for revision that’s tailored to your needs. You can allocate specific periods to different subjects, create and manage tasks, and time, and maintain a routine by using the calendar. It also has lots of tools for creating revision notes, from mind maps to slides and quizzes, so you can revise in whichever way suits you best.

Focus Booster

It might seem counter-intuitive, but taking regular breaks has been proven to aid concentration. This app is a great tool for improving focus and upping productivity, helping you to get more revisions done each day. As well as reminding you to take breaks at specific intervals, it has a timer so you can see how long you have left on your current session, allows you to customise your session lengths, and offers reports so you can find out what’s working best for you.

myHomework Student Planner

This is a digital student planner that lets you track your classes, homework, tests, and projects so you never forget an assignment again.

a phone screen with many apps on it
Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

Revision App

The suitably named app has over one million revision notes, flashcards, and quizzes. If you are a visual learner then you can also watch videos, allowing you to go back over any topics that you don’t feel quite so confident with. By offering such a variety of tools, this app will help ensure you feel suitably prepared for your exams.


If you are a procrastinator then this app will allow you to make more effective use of your time. SelfControl blocks websites in a set period to stop the temptation of checking your newsfeeds and helps you to put your full focus on the task at hand.

Simple Mind

This app gives you the chance to create mind maps, it is easy to use and allows you to colour code, add images and keep all the vital information you need in one easily accessible place. An advantage of this app is that you can use it across platforms, so whether it be on your computer at home, or on your phone whilst out and about, this is a great revision tool.


This app uses your phone’s camera to scan a book’s barcode and create a citation formatted in MLA, Chicago, or whatever format your school uses.


Allows users to upload class study materials, create electronic flashcards to study and share with others, and practice quizzes.

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